Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
The last words someone speaks before they leave this world linger and perhaps grip us more than other words our loved one may have spoken. Acts 1 records the last words Jesus spoke to his disciples on earth, before he ascended to heaven. He gave them one last order and that order was the Acts 1:8 challenge. He said: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” In this passage we are called to go out and be a witness for Christ, making disciples for him (Matthew 28:19-20). The final call was to be faithful to all Christ has taught and share what he had done for us to know him. It is our joy at Grace Baptist to engage the world. In the passage above he tells them to go to Jerusalem which is where they live.

our jerusalem
For us our Jerusalem is Carter County and Elizabethton as our first line of missions. We have participated in many local outreaches and ministries here including but not limited to: Easter Egg Hunts, Vacation Bible School, Trunk or Treat, Christmas Baskets of families in need, and the John 3:16 shoe ministry placing shoes on children’s feet who are in need in all schools in Carter County and the city.

our judea
He also sends them to Judea, these would have been fellow countrymen. In our context Judea would be other Americans and places in North America. Any work done with disaster relief or in state missions trips would fall into this category. He instructed them to go to Samaria, the place that was filled with the undesirable half Jewish people. They were undesirable because their families were mixes of pagans and Jews, it was not based on race, but on a mixed up faith. In a similar fashion there are places in our own back yard that people consider to be “undesirable” and we are called to go there.
ends of thE earth
And finally the ends of the earth, nations outside of our own. We are called to engage in these areas. We have sent teams to Haiti in the past and are currently partnering with a church plant in Aviemore, Scotland.